Early Bird Tickets already online!

Tickets for the Long Night of Mountain Films , the multivision lecture by Alexander Huber and – new! – for the Friendscard can already be purchased online at the following link at the early bird price!
Jobs at Mountainfilm Graz
Early Bird Tickets available!
Jobs at Mountainfilm Graz

Film submissions for Mountainfilm Graz 2024 are closed!


Thank you very much for all those great films!


ย We will see you at the festival from 12. – 16. November!



Mountainfilm Graz 2024 presents:

Alexander Huber – the younger brother of the โ€˜Huberbuamโ€™ is coming to Graz with his multivision presentation!

Professional alpinist, speed climber, physicist, farmer, father – Alexander Huber combines many things in his life. But who knows he’s also a talented musician? With โ€˜Concerto verticalโ€™, Alexander even brought classical sounds to the Heidenpfeiler in the German Pflรคlzerwald together with cellist Burkhard Weber.
In his presentation โ€˜Time to Breatheโ€™, the extreme climber gives us a multi-faceted picture of modern alpinism with spectacular climbing scenes, and takes us to rock pillars and overhangs in the Karakoram and in Europe.
And as the Stefaniensaal in Congress Graz is also a concert hall, the lecture audience can look forward to a musical performance by Alexander Huber, along with other highlights!

The climber takes a philosophical view of his life on the steepest walls: โ€˜It’s not the mountain that you conquer, but always your own self.

When: Thursday, 14 November 2024, 8:00 pm
Where: Stefaniensaal, Congress Graz
Early Bird Ticket: โ‚ฌ 24,-*
*until the start of regular ticket sales, then โ‚ฌ 29,-

About Mountainfilm Graz 2023


Mountainfilm Graz 2023 is over after five intensive days in two venues – with two exciting lectures, many stage talks and over 100 films, the festival days flew by!
Thomas Huber and Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner ensured a full house and the premiere screening of the Universum production “The Real Jungle Book” as well as many other programme highlights filled the auditoriums with a happy audience.
Thank you to everyone who attended and made this fantastic festival an unforgettable event!
A big thank you also goes to all our sponsors and supporters, without whom Mountainfilm Graz would not be possible.


The Mountainfilm Graz team wishes you a great time – see you from 12-16 November 2024!

(in German, PDF, 40 MB)